
New publication from our lab:

Synthesis of luminescent semiconductor nanoparticles in ionic liquids –the importance of the ionic liquid in the formation of quantum dots

M. Leu, P. Campbell, A-V Mudring, Green Chem. Lett. Rev.

New publications from our collaboration with the Rogers group:

Sandwiched Kagomé Lattices in a Coordination Polymer Based on Mixed-Valent Uranium

V. Smetana, S.P. Kelley, H. Pei, A.-V. Mudring, R.D. Rogers, Cryst Growth Des.

Structural analysis of mono-substituted N-butyl-pyridinium salts: in search of ionic liquids

S.P. Kelley, V. Smetana, A.-V. Mudring, R.D. Rogers, J. Coord. Chem.



Read AVM’s first editorial for Green Chemistry Letters and Reviews



Press release about our new Stockholm University Center for Circular Systems



AVM joins Polyhedron as an editor

Submissions welcome!



How chemistry can contribute to sustainability

AVM discusses her research in the EuChemS Sustainable Chemistry Lecture series.

In case you missed the lecture (and want to learn more about how Chemistry can contribute to Sustainability), here is the recording.



AVM awarded Villum Investigator

The Villum Investigator grant is awarded every two years to an experienced and internationally recognised researcher who will make a decisive contribution to the technical and scientific field at a Danish university.

Professor Anja-Verena Mudring will be responsible for the project, entitled “Enabling Technologies for A Sustainable Future: Ionic Liquids as Transformative Tools in Nanomaterials Synthesis”.

Specifically, she is going to research how ionic liquids (room temperature molten salts) direct the formation of nanomaterials on the atomic level. As a result, this will allow the design of ionic liquids as molecular tools for the tailored creation of a desired nanostructure. Furthermore, this transformative synthetic access will open up the door to new materials and green technologies to meet the challenges of a sustainable society. To succeed in her research, Villum Fonden has granted her project 40 million Danish Kroner  over the next six years.

Anja-Verena Mudring will take up her position as professor at the Department of Chemistry – Aarhus University this summer, and she will also be associated with the Interdisciplinary Nanoscience Center and the research center iMAT at Aarhus University.

AVM Editor-in-Chief Q&A

Read the interview with Green Chemistry Letters and Reviews new Editor-in-Chief AVM here.



Better drugs with ionic liquids

Read what the Knut & Alice Wallenberg Foundation says about our research that they are supporting.



AVM moving to Aarhus University

The endless possibilities of salt.

AVM discusses her research as she is set to join the Department of Chemistry at Aarhus University this summer.



New publication

Another nice piece of work from the Rogers collaboration.



The properties of triazolium ionic liquids

Our latest work uncovering new design concepts for improved electrolytes and redox mediators for dye-sensitized solar cells



AVM serving on new advisory board

AVM has just accepted to serve on the Scientific Advisory Council of the Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin.



From a collaboration with Ukrainian colleagues

A new scandium cobalt silicide was prepared from pure elements by melting and subsequent annealing at 800 ​°C. Its crystal structure was solved based on single-crystal X-ray diffraction data, indicating a new structure type.



The collaboration with our Ukrainian colleagues continues

New intermetallics R1+xZr1−xNi (R = Er–Tm, x ~ 0.5) with the TiNiSi type of structure



There are still new binary compounds to be discovered

Overlooked Binary Compounds Uncovered in the Reinspection of the La–Au System: Synthesis, Crystal Structures, and Electronic Properties of La7Au3, La3Au2, and La3Au4



Villum Investigator celebration at Aarhus University

From Thomas Bjørnholm, Executive Chief Scientific Officer at VILLUM FONDEN (THE VELUX FOUNDATIONS)

Diversity is key for creative research environments focusing on tough challenges? That’s why it is awesome to celebrate new inspiration to the Danish universities coming from Italy and Germany via top international careers: Anja-Verena Mudring and Milena Corredig will inspire students and colleagues in Aarhus University with exciting science and technology. Both work with facets of green technologies. Anja in chemistry. Milena in food science. In the spring they were awarded Villum Investigator grants – today we celebrated them.



Johnston group collaboration update

The collaboration with D.C. Johnston’s group continues with this latest publication.



1st iMAT and Merck Symposium on Green Chemistry

Join us in Aarhus for our first Symposium on Green Chemistry on October 29th.

Professor Anja Mudring, University of Århus, Denmark
Title: Green Synthesis of Energy Materials

Professor Dr. Siegfried R. Waldvogel, University of Mainz, Germany
Title: Electroorganic Synthesis as Sustainable Tool for Making Value-added Compounds

Associate Professor Evelina Colacino, University of Montpellier, France
Title: Medicinal Mechanochemistry: an opportunity for the green manufacturing of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients

Mikael Friberg, Merck Life Science, Denmark (live steam)
Title: Merck Greener Alternatives

Associate Professor Jamie Ferguson, Emory & Henry College, VA, USA
Title: Communicating Green Chemistry: Initiatives in Undergraduate Chemistry Education and Public Outreach



Continued collaborations

As always, it has been a pleasure to collaborate with our friends and colleagues from ILL, the Ames Laboratory and University of Genova.
Results of this collaboration are found in our latest publication: Crystal and Magnetic Structures of the Ternary Ho2Ni0.8Si1.2 and Ho2Ni0.8Ge1.2 Compounds: An Example of Intermetallics Crystallizing with the Zr2Ni1–xP Prototype



Old and new come together

Our recent research work published in PNAS is the result of a long standing collaboration with colleagues from Ames Laboratory and the first paper with AVM’s new colleagues from the Department of Chemistry at Aarhus University. You can read the paper here: First-order antiferromagnetic transitions of SrMn2P2 and CaMn2P2 single crystals containing corrugated-honeycomb Mn sublattices.



Marek Grinberg (1952-2020)

Our collaboration as colleagues and friends brought about this new publication. We dedicated it to the memory of Marek Grinberg, a truly outstanding scientist and friend in the field, whom we lost to cancer in 2020.

Nano-crystalline Nd3+-doped LuPO4 optical materials obtained by ionic liquid assisted synthesis route




2nd Green Chemistry Symposium

AVM will present in Day 2 of the 2nd Green Chemistry Symposium is on December 10th, 2021. 7 am-12 pm CET / 1-6 pm SGT / 4-9 pm AEST.

Topics Include:

Visible Light Photocatalysis in Flow: New Strategies in Sustainable Bond Construction
Dr. Anastasios Polyzos, University of Melbourne, Australia

Electrifying Organic Synthesis – Next level challenges
Professor Dr. Siegfried R. Waldvogel, Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz, Germany

Greener Alternative Products
Dr. Manuela Vacatello, Research Technology Specialist – Chemistry (Research-Academia Italy and Spain), Merck

Medicinal Mechanochemistry: An Opportunity for the Green Manufacturing of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients.
Professor Dr. Evelina Colacino, University of Montpellier, France

Green Synthesis of Energy Materials
Professor Dr. Anja-Verena Mudring, Aarhus University, Denmark

Futurecast – Sustainability in Science
Jeffrey Whitford, Head of Sustainability & Social Business Innovation and Branding, Life Science, Merck



New publication

Another new publication, this time with collaborator Cláudia C.L. Pereira from Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal on Lanthanide-based complexes as efficient physiological temperature sensors.



Recent results

Some recent results from our lab were shared in this publication: Magnetic, Photo- and Electroluminescent: Multifunctional Ionic Tb Complexes.



Rogers collaboration update

Just out in JACS: Shape Preserving Single Crystal to Amorphous to Single Crystal Polymorphic Transformation Is Possible. These fundamental insights into the mechanism of solid-solid phase transitions were made possible by the transatlantic collaboration between the Rogers and the Mudring groups.



2021 Volvo Environment Prize award ceremony

AVM was privileged to be on the panel discussion during the 2021 Volvo Environment Prize award ceremony honoring Paul Anastas and his contributions to #greenchemistry. You can watch the panel discussion here.



Carlsberg Foundation Research Infrastructure Grant

A big thank you to the Carlsberg Foundation who just announced that AVM will receive an infrastructure grant to purchase a new research-grade spectrofluorimeter! As part of AVM’s green transition research, the spectrofluorimeter will be used to evaluate new materials and enable the next generation of energy efficient, environmentally benign lighting.