Assoc.-Prof. Jamie Ferguson

Assoc. Prof. Jamie Ferguson

Contact: jferguson(@)

Assoc. Prof. Ferguson is an associate professor at Emory & Henry College, Virginia, and is currently being hosted by Prof. Mudring at Aarhus University. While at Aarhus, she is working on the characterization and optimization of ionic liquid electrolytes in light-emitting electrochemical cells, and developing green chemistry curriculum materials for teaching undergraduate organic chemistry.


1.      L. Wu, Y. Meng,, J. Ferguson, L. Wang, and F. Zeng.  Palladium-Catalyzed Oxidative Annulation of ortho-Alkenylanilines and Allenes: An Access to Benzo[b]azepines. Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2017, 82, 4121−4128.

2.      L.F. Zeng, L. Wang, J. Ferguson, Palladium-Catalyzed Direct Coupling of 2-Vinylanilines and Isocyanides: An Efficient Synthesis of 2-Aminoquinolines, Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry, 2015, 13, 11486-11491.

3.      J. Ferguson, F. Zeng, H. Alper, Synthesis of 2(1H)-quinolinones via Pd-catalyzed oxidative cyclocarbonylation of 2-vinylanilines.  Organic Letters, 2013, 15 (8), 1998-2001.

4.      J.L. Ferguson, F. Zeng, H. Alper.  Synthesis of coumarins via Pd-catalyzed oxidative cyclocarbonylation of 2-vinylphenols.  Organic Letters, 2012, 14 (21), 5602–5605.

5.      J.L. Ferguson, J.D. Holbrey, S. Ng, N.V. Plechkova, K.R. Seddon, A.A. Tomaszowska, D.F. Wassell.  A greener, halide-free approach to ionic liquid synthesis.  Pure and Applied Chemistry, 2012, 84(3), 723-744.

6.      L. Rehmann, E. Ivanova, H.Q.N. Gunaratne, J.L. Ferguson, K.R. Seddon, G. Stephens.  Measuring the effect of ionic liquids on laccase activity using a simple, parallel method.  Green Chemistry, 2012,14, 725-733.

7.      N. Wood, J.L. Ferguson, H.Q.N. Gunaratne, K.R. Seddon, R. Goodacre, G.M. Stephens.  Screening ionic liquids for use in biotransformations with whole microbial cells.  Green Chemistry, 2011, 13(7), 1843-1851.

8.      M. Tariq, A. Podgoršek, J. L. Ferguson, A. Lopes, M. F. Costa Gomes, A. A. H. Pádua, L. P. N. Rebelo, J. N. Canongia Lopes. Characteristics of aggregation in aqueous solutions of dialkylpyrrolidinium bromides, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2011, 360(2), 606-616.

9.      M. Petkovic, J.L. Ferguson, H.Q.N. Gunaratne, R. Ferreira, M.C. Leitão, K.R. Seddon, L.P.N. Rebelo, C. Silva Pereira.  Novel biocompatible cholinium-based ionic liquids—toxicity and biodegradability.  Green Chemistry, 2010, 12(4), 643-649.

10.   H. Garcia, R. Ferreira, M. Petkovic, J.L. Ferguson, M.C. Leitão, H.Q.N. Gunaratne, K.R. Seddon, Luís Paulo N. Rebelo, C. Silva Pereira.  Dissolution of cork biopolymers in biocompatible ionic liquids.  Green Chemistry, 2010, 12(3), 367-369. (*cover article)

11.   M. Petkovic, J. Ferguson, A. Bohn, J. Trindade, I. Martins, M.B. Carvalho, M.C. Leitão, C. Rodrigues, H. Garcia, R. Ferreira, K.R. Seddon, L.P.N. Rebelo, and C. Silva Pereira.  Exploring fungal activity in the presence of ionic liquids.  Green Chemistry, 2009, 11(6), 889-894.
12.   G. Adamová, J.L. Ferguson, S. Ng, A.V. Puga, H. Rodríguez, S.M. Rountree, K.R. Seddon and A.A. Tomaszowska.  Conference report: Lake Constance turns green.  Green Chemistry, 2009, 11(5), 604-608.

13.   M. Rebros, H.Q.N. Gunaratne, J.L. Ferguson, K.R. Seddon, G. Stephens.  A high throughput screen to test the biocompatibility of water-miscible ionic liquids. Green Chemistry, 2009, 11(3), 402-408.