1st iMAT & Merck Symposium on Green Chemistry

Join us in Aarhus for our first Symposium on Green Chemistry on October 29th.

Professor Anja Mudring, University of Århus, Denmark
Title: Green Synthesis of Energy Materials

Professor Dr. Siegfried R. Waldvogel, University of Mainz, Germany
Title: Electroorganic Synthesis as Sustainable Tool for Making Value-added Compounds

Associate Professor Evelina Colacino, University of Montpellier, France
Title: Medicinal Mechanochemistry: an opportunity for the green manufacturing of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients

Mikael Friberg, Merck Life Science, Denmark (live steam)
Title: Merck Greener Alternatives

Associate Professor Jamie Ferguson, Emory & Henry College, VA, USA
Title: Communicating Green Chemistry: Initiatives in Undergraduate Chemistry Education and Public Outreach

Villum Investigator celebration at Aarhus University

From Thomas Bjørnholm, Executive Chief Scientific Officer at VILLUM FONDEN (THE VELUX FOUNDATIONS)

Diversity is key for creative research environments focusing on tough challenges? That’s why it is awesome to celebrate new inspiration to the Danish universities coming from Italy and Germany via top international careers: Anja-Verena Mudring and Milena Corredig will inspire students and colleagues in Aarhus University with exciting science and technology. Both work with facets of green technologies. Anja in chemistry. Milena in food science. In the spring they were awarded Villum Investigator grants – today we celebrated them.